Top Fact About Monkey Pox | Monkey Pox Disease OutBreak

The outbreak of monkey pox is really getting wide gradually. So many people are still yet to know what…

The outbreak of monkey pox is really getting wide gradually. So many people are still yet to know what monkey pox is all about. Monkey Pox Disease OutBreak is now spreading from one state to another.

Monkey Pox Disease OutBreak

Monkey pox virus was first identified in 1970 as the cause of a smallpox-like illness in humans in remote African locations first discovered in 1958 when two outbreaks of a pox-like disease occurred in colonies of monkeys kept for research, hence the name “monkeypox.”

“Monkey Pox is a virus found only in monkeys and it is rare in human beings. It belongs to the same family as Chicken Pox and Smallpox.

Top Fact About Monkey Pox

Monkey Pox can be affected by humans. Even though it is named after monkeys, it can affect humans. The reason behind its name is that it was discovered among monkeys in Denmark in 1958.

1. It starts with a fever

Please note that not all fevers are monkeypox, malaria is still the most common cause of fevers in Nigeria.
However, 7-14 days after a person is infected with monkeypox, the person would start showing signs and symptoms.
Some signs and symptoms of monkeypox are:

  •  Fever
  • Headache
  • Muscle pain
  • Back pain
  • Enlargement of lymph nodes
  • Body weakness

2. It can be gotten from rodents.

Apart from monkeys, the monkeypox virus has been isolated in rodents like rats and squirrels.
The primary method by which human outbreaks start, is when a person comes in close contact with an infected animal. In rural areas, infected rodents can be hunted and then eaten, hence, increasing the likelihood of a human outbreak, especially if the meat isn’t thoroughly cooked.

3. It can be prevented.

This is the good news. Monkeypox can be prevented. At the moment, there is no specific treatment or vaccine available for this disease, however, you can protect yourself from getting infected by following these:

  • Avoid close contact with infected persons or animals.
  • Ensure you cook meat thoroughly.
  • Practice hand washing optimally
  • Health workers should use gloves and personal protective equipment.

Please let us all be very careful in our daily activities.

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