Do you know that in the world today, communication has been made so easy that you can stay any were you communicate with your friends and family. Below is Most Used Apps in the World.
Most Used Apps in the World
Among the Best Mobile Messaging Apps WhatsApp has the most users worldwide, but Facebook Messenger dominates the U.S. market.
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But in some countries, neither Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp are even available.
It’s important to pay attention to the top messenger apps throughout the world, especially if you have an audience in other countries.
WhatsApp is a mobile text messaging app designed for smartphone users and tablets that lets you send text messages and make calls over the internet. Below is the features of whatsapp;
- You can start a video or phone call.
- Group messaging supports up to 250 people.
- Supports end-to-end encryption.
- Lets you send files as large as 100 MB.
2. Facebook Messenger
Facebook messenger is a simple way to text, video chat and plan things all in one place. Below are the features of Facebook Messenger;
- Start a chat quickly
- Show your reaction
- call or video chat
- Send money securely and easily
3. WeChat
WeChat is a Chinese multi-purpose messaging, social media and mobile payment app developed by Tencent. Below are it features;
- Messaging
- WeChat users can register as an official account, which enables them to push feeds to subscribers
- WeChat allowed people to add friends
4. Snapchat
Below are the features of Snapchat;
- Makes it easy to send photos and short videos.
- You can make phone calls and video calls.
- Regular text messaging is supported.
- Great for storing private photos.
- Images can contain filters, effects, and drawings
- Huge user-base.
5. Viber
Viber is a Free and secure calling and messaging to anyone, anywhere. Below are the Features of viber;
- Send texts, photos, videos and more
- Communicate genuinely, playfully and expressively
- Build and manage conversations with unlimited members
- Take back what you didn’t mean to send
- Find & share videos, music and more right in your chats
Line is a freeware app for instant communications on electronic devices such as smartphones, tablet computers, and personal computers. Below are the features of line;
- Free Voice and Video Calls
- Free Messaging Whenever and Wherever
- Exciting Stickers to Jazz Up Your Chats
7. Skype
Skype is a telecommunications application that specializes in providing video chat and voice calls between computers, tablets, mobile devices, the Xbox One console, and smartwatches via the Internet. Below are the features of skype;
- Smart messaging
- Call recording and Live subtitles
- Screen sharing
- Screen sharing
- Call phones
Other apps which are used in the world today are;
- Telegram
- Google Hangouts
- Voxer
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