List of Nigerians who are Guinness World Record Breakers – See Photo
List of Nigerians who are Guinness World Record Breakers – In Nigeria we have talented people there, we are abundantly talented in different aspect of human life. The Guinness book of records holds records of some wonderful Nigerians whose amazing feats landed them in.In this article we’ll be talking about personalities, Nigerians really, who broke the Guinness world record and are since enjoying the fame that follows. Below are the list of Nigerians who are Guinness World Record Breakers
List of Nigerians who are Guinness World Record Breakers
Kafayat Shafau
‘Kafayat Shafau is popularly known as Kaffy. She broke the world record in longest dance with a time of 52 hours and 3 minutes in 2006.
Chidera Anemege
‘Popularly known as Chiddy of Chiddy Bang, rapped his way into the Guinness book of records in 2011.
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Obi Ajuonuma
Obi Ajuonuma is popularly known as DJ Obi, he broke the world record for the longest ever DJ set.
Harrison Chinedu
A Nigerian footballer, Harrison Chinedu has walked his way into the Guinness book of records, for something strange.
‘The Guinness World Records has had Nigeria in its pages a few times. First , Nigeria got into the Book of World Records for having the biggest football jersey in the world.
Then, 3OO,OOO students from the 6OO public secondary schools in Lagos brushed their teeth simultaneously at different locations to defeat India who had set the previous tooth brushing record and put Nigeria on the map.
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