Big Brother UK Audition and Registration is On Going

This is to inform all United Kingdom (UK) People, most especially the youths that the Big Brother UK  Audition and Registration form is now available and the application process is also going on now.

Big Brother UK Audition

Big Brother is looking for new housemates to entertain the nation! If you want one of the most unforgettable experiences of your life then APPLY NOW!

If you think you’re going to be the next star of Big Brother and have what it takes to make a stand-out housemate then prove it!

How to Apply Big Brother UK Audition

The application process is online. So therefore interested person should visit the Big Brother Application website HERE and start their registration free.

Please make sure that you fill out all the relevant pieces of information on the form. The fields marked with an asterisk * are compulsory…

Big Brother UK has ensured that any information you provide are all saved with them.

Closing Date for Big Brother UK

This online application form will close at 23.59 on Monday 8th February so please make sure you complete and submit your application before then.

Good Luck.


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