Apply for Jobs in UAE | Permanent Migration with Family

Are you a foreigner in UAE looking for a job, No need to worry you can now Apply for…

Are you a foreigner in UAE looking for a job, No need to worry you can now Apply for Foreign Workers Jobs in UAE and also migrate with your family with ease?

Jobs in UAE

Talking about giving the idea of working in the United Arab Emirates a thought is sponsored by two major reasons which are, a huge ex-pat community and tax-free income.

In UAE, tradition, and modernity are together. Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Fujairah, Ras Al Khaimah, Dubai, Sharjah, and Umm Al Quwain are the seven emirates that up the country.

Many ex-pats now look to work in the UAE mostly as a result of undaunting growth over the years, making work in the UAE lucrative and attractive, especially when included in CVs. 85% of the population are immigrants from other countries, just as the main business language is English, which helps to make fitting in easier for immigrants.

Most job opportunities are found in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, however, the opportunity exists all over the country. Living in the UAE is quite expensive, however, you’ll almost not feel this as value for money is guaranteed because of the world-class standard of service delivery.

For a country immersed in the Muslim culture, working and living in UAE, will allow you to explore the culture of Islam. However, you must be watchful not to go against their laws and rules, this is because transgressing would result in extreme punishments.

Oil was found in UAE in the 1950s, however, before this time, the Jobs in UAE market were primarily buzzing with nomadic, fishing, pearling, farming, and seafaring. In any way, the UAE experienced rapid growth after Oil was discovered making it go head to head with countries like Singapore and Japan in terms of modernity.

Brief Overview of Jobs in UAE

As earlier stated, the UAE is an oil-rich country, that has a population of about 10 million people. The unemployment rate in this country is put at 3%. Though the country’s economy is strong, and viable and has seen a lot of growth in recent years, the recession and recent oil prices dropping have affected the jobs market especially, in the UAE.

Companies have been pushed out of their will to dip salaries and remove many positions. Now, as a result, there is more competition in the luxurious lifestyle of ex-pats and consequently in the job market.

Shortage of Skills

There are quite a several industries that are experiencing growth in the UAE. This includes the energy sector which requires STEM specialists (i.e science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). Also, there is a shortage of skills in the life sciences and healthcare industries. There are also opportunities in the finance and property sectors.

Restricted Professions

In the UAE, certain professionals can only be obtained by a citizen of the country. A lawyer is an example of such a professional who appears before a judge to make a defence.

The Requirement of Language for Jobs in UAE

Arabic which is the main language, English, Persian, Urdu, and Hindi, is the manor in the UAE. However, English is generally spoken by locals, as it is also the business language, and this is so because of the huge number of immigrant workers in the country. Notwithstanding, job prospects could be well improved with a basic understanding of Arabic.

Work Culture Jobs in UAE

An employee working full-time works five, eight-hour shifts every week typically. Of course, since this is a Muslim country, with much regard to the teachings of Islam, the working days are Sunday to Thursday, while Friday is observed as the day of worship and Saturday gave us an extra day of rest from work. When it is time for Ramadan, the working hours become reduced. After having worked one year in a job, private sector employees have the right to 30 days of annual leave.

How to Apply for Jobs in the UAE

It is so important now than ever before to ensure that you come out unique in your application for Jobs in UAE. This is because the competition in the job market is increasing. Employers have become extra selective in the recruitment of workers, as a result of the attractiveness of the country to foreign workers all over the world. The following are to be taken note of before applying for Jobs in UAE:

1. CV

To begin your job application process, you must come up with a higher standard CV. This is because you remember that it is a highly competitive market and you could be gunning for the particular job alongside thousands of other applicants. The style of writing a CV in UAE is so much similar to that of western countries. However, the Jobs in UAE may differ in CV writing as they may need you to include the following details:

• Gender

• Religion

• Nationality

• Photo

2. Job Search

Having tailored your CV to meet the standard of the UAE, it is then important to search for jobs you can apply for. This can be done in several ways:

• Search online: as competitive as the job market is in the UAE, it may be best to search for jobs online.

• Job Fairs Online: several job fairs are hosted by the UAE. Applicants are allowed to meet with companies on a personal level to learn about job openings in each company.

• Company Websites: job vacancies will most times be posted on the company’s website only. Therefore, an applicant who wishes to work for a company will need to go to their website to find out about their jobs/careers section.

3. Agencies for Recruitment

Recruitment for many companies is done via agencies that undertake recruitment processes. Companies can go through less stress and also allow them the chance to cut down applicants to just the best ones, given the high competitiveness of the job market.

Also Read: Portugal Job Sites to Apply for Available Jobs

Essentials to work in UAE as a Foreigner

To work as a foreigner in the UAE, you are required to possess a residence visa and a work permit. On your residence visa, there’ll be a work permit listed there. There is also the need for a medical exam once you land in the UAE, you are only guaranteed of staying once you pass the medical exam, if not you risk deportation.

Working in the UAE with just a tourist visa isn’t allowed. If you were able to land a job while on your visit as a tourist, it is expected that your company needs to change the status of your visa before you can start working. Working with a tourist visa is regarded as a serious offence that can bring about fines, jail time, or deportation.

Jobs in UAE Visas

On arrival, visas may be issued to foreigners visiting the UAE. To work in the UAE, there is a need for an employer to sponsor you. Again, you cannot work on a tourist visa. After accepting a job offer from an employer, a residency visa will be applied for on your behalf by the employer. After this, you’ll be able to also acquire a work permit from the Ministry of Labour, as this is what allows you to work in the UAE, not following this rule is illegally working in the UAE.

Requirements for Jobs in the UAE | Family Migration

Employers and employees, upon having a valid residency permit may sponsor their families in the UAE. Immediate families of male residents, such as wives and children, that are employed in the UAE can be sponsored by the male resident having fulfilled requirements which include the minimum salary of AED 4,000 or AED 3,000 alongside accommodation.

There are 60 days for a sponsored resident in the UAE to apply for a residence visa for his dependents after they may have entered the UAE so that they could change their status from an entry permit holder to a residence visa holder.

Visas are issued to family members for one, two, or three years depending on sponsoring member’s nature of work and labour contract plus his capacity as an employer or employee.


Despite the declining level of opportunities in the job market, making it more competitive, giving the employer somewhat more level of power, working in the UAE is still one that is attractive and appealing to many foreign workers. It must not be forgotten that this country follows the culture of Islam deeply, and you must be aware of their laws in order not to go against them and have a smooth working experience in the desert country.

Hope this information on Jobs in UAE was useful, do use the comment box below in case you have any questions that you might want us to answer. Also, do share these Jobs in UAE with all those who have been looking for this opportunity.

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